Maintenance Reminders

Maintenance Reminders in AerScheduler

Maintenance Reminders are a crucial tool within AerScheduler, designed to help organizations effectively manage and track aircraft maintenance schedules. This documentation provides an extensive overview of Maintenance Reminders, including how to create, configure, resolve, and track them within the AerScheduler platform.

Key Features of Maintenance Reminders

AerScheduler's Maintenance Reminders feature offers a range of key functionalities:

  • Reminder Types: Administrators and technicians can create Maintenance Reminder Types, each catering to specific maintenance requirements.

  • Reminder Categories: Maintenance Reminders can be categorized into three types: hour-based, day-based, and date-based, depending on the maintenance interval criteria.

  • Configuration Options: All Reminder Types require a name. For hour-based Reminders, users can select whether the hour is based on tach or hobbs time of the aircraft.

  • Reminder Periods: Users can set a reminder period to prompt maintenance at specific intervals and a warning period to provide advance notice before the reminder is triggered.

  • Repeat Options: Reminders can be configured to repeat at specified intervals, ensuring that maintenance schedules are consistently monitored.

  • Grounding Capability: Administrators can configure reminders to ground the aircraft when triggered, ensuring safety and compliance.

  • Notes and Descriptions: Maintenance Reminders can include informative notes and descriptions to provide context and guidance.

Creating and Configuring Maintenance Reminders

To effectively use Maintenance Reminders in AerScheduler, follow these steps:

  1. Create Reminder Types: Administrators and technicians can create Maintenance Reminder Types, specifying the name and type (hour-based, day-based, or date-based).

  2. Hour-Based Reminders: For hour-based Reminders, users can select whether the hour is based on tach or hobbs time of the aircraft.

  3. Set Periods: Configure reminder and warning periods to determine when reminders are triggered and when advance notifications are sent.

  4. Repeating Reminders: Optionally, configure reminders to repeat at specified intervals.

  5. Grounding Aircraft: If needed, set reminders to ground the aircraft when triggered, ensuring compliance and safety.

  6. Add Descriptions: Provide informative notes and descriptions to aid maintenance personnel.

Aircraft Attachment and Resolution

After creating a Reminder Type, you can attach specific aircraft to these reminders, ensuring that each aircraft's maintenance schedule is tracked accurately. You can also update the aircraft attached to reminders at any time by visiting the Reminder Type's page and editing it.

When reminders are resolved, they are archived, allowing organizations to maintain a historical record of completed maintenance tasks. Resolving a reminder prompts the creation of a new reminder to refresh the maintenance schedule. When resolved, additional information, such as a completed date and completed hours, can be added to the reminder, helping track maintenance progress accurately.

Benefits of Maintenance Reminders

Maintenance Reminders in AerScheduler offer numerous advantages for aircraft maintenance management:

  • Proactive Maintenance: Reminders ensure that maintenance tasks are proactively scheduled and tracked.

  • Enhanced Safety: Grounding capabilities and advance notifications contribute to aircraft safety and compliance.

  • Historical Tracking: Archiving resolved reminders maintains a historical record of completed maintenance tasks for reference.

  • Efficient Scheduling: Repeat options and flexible configurations streamline maintenance scheduling and tracking.

Streamline Aircraft Maintenance

Maintenance Reminders in AerScheduler are a critical tool for organizations seeking to streamline aircraft maintenance operations. Whether it's for hour-based, day-based, or date-based maintenance, Maintenance Reminders offer an efficient way to ensure aircraft safety and compliance.

Leverage Maintenance Reminders in AerScheduler for effective aircraft maintenance scheduling and tracking, enhancing operational efficiency and safety.