Instructon Types

Instruction Types in AerScheduler

AerScheduler provides a flexible approach to instruction management with the concept of "Instruction Types." While a comprehensive training feature is in development, the Instruction Types feature offers a simplified way to categorize and differentiate instruction associated with reservations. In this documentation, we'll explore how Instruction Types work, their significance, and how they impact the billing process within AerScheduler.

Understanding Instruction Types

Instruction Types in AerScheduler serve as labels or categories for various types of instruction provided during reservations. Each Instruction Type can have an associated Instruction Rate, which plays a crucial role in calculating invoice amounts for reservations. Key aspects of Instruction Types include:

  • Categorization: You can use Instruction Types to categorize different types of instruction provided during reservations. This allows for better organization and tracking of instructional activities.

  • Instruction Rates: Each Instruction Type can have a specific Instruction Rate associated with it. This rate is utilized during the billing process to calculate the cost of instruction.

Significance of Instruction Types

The use of Instruction Types in AerScheduler offers several advantages:

  • Billing Precision: Instruction Types enable precise billing by allowing you to assign specific rates to different types of instruction, ensuring accurate invoice amounts.

  • Categorization: Categorizing instruction types allows for clear differentiation between various types of instruction, such as ground instruction, flight instruction, and more.

  • Training Preparedness: While a comprehensive training feature is under development, Instruction Types pave the way for future training functionalities within AerScheduler.

How Instruction Types Impact Billing

Instruction Types play a pivotal role in the billing process within AerScheduler. When creating reservations that include instruction, you can specify the Instruction Type associated with that instruction. The applicable Instruction Rate is then applied to calculate the cost of the instruction on the reservation's invoice. This ensures that the billing process is accurate and tailored to the specific type of instruction provided.

Using Instruction Types

To utilize Instruction Types in AerScheduler, follow these steps:

  1. Create Instruction Types: Begin by creating individual Instruction Types based on your organization's instructional categories, such as "Private," "Instrument," etc.

  2. Set Instruction Rates: Assign appropriate rates to each Instruction Type to reflect the cost associated with that type of instruction.

  3. Reservation Creation: When creating reservations that include instruction, select the relevant Instruction Type. The associated Instruction Rate will be used for billing calculations.

Preparing for Future Training Features

Instruction Types lay the foundation for more advanced training functionalities that AerScheduler plans to introduce in the future. While the feature is currently a simplified version, it paves the way for a comprehensive training module that will enhance training management within the platform.

Take advantage of Instruction Types in AerScheduler to categorize instruction and ensure precise billing for different types of instructional activities during reservations.