Organization Dashboard

Organization Dashboard in AerScheduler

The Organization Dashboard in AerScheduler provides a centralized hub for administrators to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain insights into various aspects of their operations. This documentation outlines the widgets available on the Organization Dashboard and how administrators can utilize them to track essential metrics.

Available Widgets

1. Payments Processed

The "Payments Processed" widget allows administrators to view the total amount of payments processed within a specified date range. Administrators can select their preferred date range to analyze financial data.

2. Flight Time

The "Flight Time" widget displays the total flight hours accumulated by users or resources in the organization. Administrators can customize the date range to track flight hours over specific periods.

3. Instruction Given

This widget provides insights into the instruction hours provided by instructors within the organization. Administrators can select a date range to monitor instruction given during specific periods.

4. Total Unresolved Squawks

The "Total Unresolved Squawks" widget helps organizations track and manage unresolved squawks associated with their aircraft. It provides a count of open squawks that require attention and resolution.

5. Flight Hours

The "Flight Hours" widget offers a breakdown of total flight hours logged by individual users or resources. Administrators can specify a date range to analyze flight hours data.

6. List of Reservations

This widget displays a list of reservations made within the organization. Customizable date ranges allow for precise reservation tracking.

7. Unpaid Invoices

The "Unpaid Invoices" widget presents a list of invoices that are awaiting payment. Organizations can stay on top of outstanding invoices and take action as needed.

8. Reservations Completed vs. Scheduled

This widget provides an overview of reservations, differentiating between completed and scheduled reservations. It offers insights into reservation completion rates.

9. Active Pilots

The "Active Pilots" widget offers a count of active pilots within the organization. It helps organizations understand their pilot base and identify trends in pilot activity.

Customization and Date Ranges

Each widget on the Organization Dashboard can be customized to display data within specific date ranges. Administrators can tailor the widgets to their preferences and analyze historical and real-time information to make informed decisions.

The Organization Dashboard serves as a valuable tool for administrators to monitor and manage various aspects of their operations efficiently. By leveraging the insights provided by these widgets, administrators can optimize processes, enhance safety, and improve overall performance.

Please note that only administrators have access to the Organization Dashboard.